Wobbly Player Syndrome - A Warhammer 40k Podcast
A podcast by a bunch of Aussies who love Warhammer 40k! The RLG40k crew brings you a mix of casual and competitive banter as they ramble their way through the grimdark universe. Expect battle reports, hobby updates, tactical insights, and deep dives into the key topics shaping the Warhammer community—and maybe the world itself (well, according to us). Whether you're here for the laughs or the lore, we've got something for every 40k enthusiast.
85 episodes
Episode 84 - They Wouldnt. Would They? Could They?
In this episode of Wobbly Player Syndrome, the crew dives deep into the cryptic clues from the latest Warhammer roadmap, focusing on one big question—what does the Salamanders hint really mean? Could we be looking at a dedicated Salama...
Season 1
Episode 84

Episode 83 - Looking Into The Warp (2025)
In this episode, the RLG crew dives into the thrilling possibilities for the Warhammer hobby in 2025. With whispers of exciting releases and rumors swirling, we’re asking the big questions: Will our wishlists finally come true? How many surpris...
Season 1
Episode 83

Episode 82 - What Have You Done For Me Lately, GW? 2024 Edition
Another year of Warhammer 40,000 has come and gone, and the crew is back to size up 2024 in the grimdark hobby universe. From epic releases to sneaky teases, jaw-dropping miniatures to facepalm moments, Games Workshop kept fans on their toes al...
Season 1
Episode 82

Episode 81 - Surviving the Lull
The hobby is in a lull. No new codex or mins released until 2025!So what do we do?What keeps you motivated in the hobby, especially if you are an Eldar or Guard player, knowing your book is still over a month away?Have a listen ...
Season 1
Episode 81

Episode 80 - Cash Grab or Value Add?
We know that Warhammer 40k is a premium hobby, and Games Workshop continues to raise its prices. But are we being too hard on the costs associated with this hobby? Is Games Workshop taking advantage of us with endless box sets, ga...
Season 1
Episode 80

Episode 79 - The Pitch: Chaos Daemons
Need help deciding the chaos faction to worship?Listen to the pitches by the folk as they sell you the wonders of maiming and burning, the circle of life that is a disease, the shiny joy of pierced nipples and the feathery delight of wisdom...
Season 1
Episode 79

Episode 78 - The Deathwatch Impact
The folk discuss the fate of the Deathwatch,thanks to the new Agents of the Imperium codex.What impact does it have on current Deathwatch players? Has this decision been made because of lack of Daethwatch tournament participation or are the...
Season 1
Episode 78

Episode 77 - Mind Games
This month the folk have a look at the mental side of the hobby. From discussing how to handle big wins or big loss to a brief look at how some may deal with other neurodivergent aspects.
Season 1
Episode 77

Episode 76 - If You Build It
We adore our miniatures, cherish the game, and relish competing against each other. But how do we craft the ultimate roster or even just a fun one? The team explores the various tools available that help you organise your miniatures into a lega...
Season 1
Episode 76

Episode 75 - I am the Lore
How much does the lore of the game mean to you? Does it influence the way you build a lits, paint a mini or choose a faction?Does the lore have any actual impact on the game itself? Has the storyline advanced at all?The folk delve into ...
Season 1
Episode 75

Episode 74 - Too OP or Not Too OP
How big is that gun? Lets have a look at some the over the top stuff that is happening in 10th edition right now. Should you be able to destroy a titanic unit in one shot? Does the limit of CP make that much difference? How do you get ...
Season 1
Episode 74

Episode 73 - Battle Shocked and Appalled
This month the crew have a look at morale in 10th edition 40k.Is it still a critical part of the game?Previous editions, losing morale was devestating to your force and gave reason for having a friendly commissar with istol ready to...
Season 1
Episode 73

Episode 72 - They Giveth, They Taketh
New Balance Dataslate but how balanced is it?The team have a quick gander at key changes and provide their thoughts on winners and losers.Listen to Greg get exciting about Drukhari! Hear about the the percieved impact on Aeldari. Will i...
Season 1
Episode 72

Episode 71 - Looking Into The Warp 2024
It is a new year and Greg, Adam and Anthony discuss what they think will hapen in the hobby.What are the predictions for 2024 and what does GW have installed?What are the wishlist and how likely will they happen?What are the hiobby ...
Season 1
Episode 71

Episode 70 - What Have You Done For Me Lately, GW? 2023
The folk have a long hard look at themselves, looking back on their predictions for the year and their personal goals.How do you think they went?We get in reviewing the hobby year that was 2023. There were big releases, lots of rumo...
Season 1
Episode 70

Episode 69 - Warhammer+ and Chill
Warhammer+ has been around for a while now. It boasts painting guides, battle reports and more excitingly, orginal animation. But is it enough?What do we want to get out of Warhammer+?And where does Hanry Cavil/ and Amazon's announc...
Season 1
Episode 69

Episode 68 - The TO Made Me Do It
Adam and Greg attended their first tournment this month thanks to ScottyD's words of encouragement from episode 66.It was a 27 player tournment, Greg took his Death Guard to prove a point, Adam took his Chaos Daemon horde to spread the joy ...
Season 1
Episode 68

Episode 67 - Meta? I Barely Knew Her.
The folk talk about Meta and in particular the pros & cons of Meta Chasing.What is meta chasing? Is it a good thing?Is it a new thing or has it been here forever?
Season 1
Episode 67

Episode 66 - An Interview with a TO
GUEST STAR!!ScottyD of AustralisTWN has been kind enough to join us to talk all things tournaments.The folks talk with ScottyD on whats involved in running a tournament, and what impact 10th ed has.We discuss - what happens if there...
Season 1
Episode 66

Episode 65 - The Story So Far
10th Edition has now been around for a few weeks. What do we think of it?The crew discuss the launch experience, the actual gameplay and the aftermath of all of it.Is 10th edition good? Are we still excited now Leviathan has been out fo...
Season 1
Episode 65

Episode 64 - Its Almost Here. Is Anyone Ready For It?
10th Edition is almost here. There is excitment, apprehension and some anger.But why are folks angry? With all the leaks, are we sure this is a good eidtion? Have GW done enough to soothe all players (the impossible task)Jo...
Season 1
Episode 64

Episode 63 - How Much is Too Much?
Games Workshop has been producing so many choices in games and models but have they gone overboard?How can they sustain the demand on models while support so many core games and specialist games?They couldnt get the Lion launch right an...
Season 1
Episode 63

Episode 62 - 10th Edition is Coming....So Now What?
10th Edition was announced and GW have been providing the Big Drip of information.But what does it mean for the hobby right now? While we wait for a new edition, do we continue as normal? Are you buying new minis? Or are you on hold until 1...
Season 1
Episode 62

Episode 61 - Are You the Gatekeeper?
The folk have a look at the increase of gatekeeping in the 40k hobby.What is gatekeeping and is it a bad thing?Hint: More often than not, yes.But is there a good way to gatekeep? What is the impact of gatekeeping? What makes peo...
Season 1
Episode 61

Episode 60 - Its Our Birthday
After a few beers, a gathering of aussie 40k enthusiasts thought it would be a good idea to start a podcast. People would love to hear our ramblings.60 episode and 5 years later, here we are celebrating our birthday.The folks get nostal...
Season 1
Episode 60